The Rowan Month is from January 21 – February 17 and is associated with the Celtic goddess Brigid. The month of Rowan is associated with power, success, and travel. During Rowan, we celebrate the holiday Imbolc.
Parentalia is celebrated between February 13 - 21. This Ancient Roman festival resonates with modern pagans as a way to connect with our ancestors.
During Parentalia the Ancient Romans honored their ancestors and thanked them for continued protection over their homes and families.
Danu is a mother goddess in the Celtic and Irish traditions. She is the goddess of fertility, creation, water, and the land.
We celebrate the Day of Danu on January 18.
The birch tree symbolizes starting over, fertility, rebirth, and regeneration. In fact, birches are one of the first trees to grow back after a forest fire.
Birch or Beithe, is the first tree of the Ogham, the Celtic tree alphabet. Beithe (pronounced ‘bey’) is the Gaelic word for birch and means inception or existence.
In ancient times, Janus was a god of beginnings and endings. He also represented the year's transitions from one season to another. In modern times, we recognize him as the god of doors and gates. He is depicted in art with two faces looking in opposite directions - one facing forward and one facing back."
Vodokres, or Vodice, is a Rodnovery nature holiday in the midst of the cold days of January, at the very beginning of the New Year.
Rodnovery pagans go outside in the cold and snow and honor the natural waters, celebrating them and everything connected to them with very odd rituals!
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Disclosure: Occult properties of herbs, plants, crystals, candles etc are provided for interest and entertainment purposes only. No outcome is guaranteed. Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. Please use herbs responsibly.