Chicomecōātl, also known as Xilonen, is the Aztec goddess of agriculture. She is referred to as the goddess of nourishment and her counterpart is Centeōtl, God of Maize.
Pomona was a popular minor Roman goddess often known as the goddess of apples. Her day is celebrated on August 13th.
The Celtic Month of Hazel symbolizes inspiration and wisdom. It is a good time to learn a new skill and practice spells that develop your awareness.
The Ogham letter for the Month of Hazel is Coll, which roughly translates as inner life force. Build alliances and understanding.
The WAG Festival which took place in August was a dedication to the death of the goddess Osiris. During WAG the Ancient Egyptian people honored the passage of souls and their journey to the afterlife.
The festival dates back to the Old Kingdom (2572 – 2130 BC). The dates actually shifted annually as the festival was based on the flooding of the Nile River.
Celebrating Lammas and Freyfaxi with children is a joyous experience. However, raising pagan children can be challenging because there are not as many resources and events.
This article will list fun activities that you can celebrate as a family or within your pagan community as well as resources you can purchase or make.
The harvest season is here and we have three fabulous holidays to celebrate the bounty. August 1st is the “official” kick-off for Lammas or Lunasa, Lughnasadh, and Freyfaxi. All three center around the first harvest of the grains.
The purpose is to honor the parent gods/goddess of fertility and thank them for the abundance by offering first fruits (grains) and drinks from the harvested crops.
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Disclosure: Occult properties of herbs, plants, crystals, candles etc are provided for interest and entertainment purposes only. No outcome is guaranteed. Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. Please use herbs responsibly.