Makahiki is the traditional Hawaiian New Year and a time to worship the God Lono. This was not a one-day festival as our New Year is today. Makahiki went on for several months traditionally from October to February.
Makahiki is the traditional Hawaiian New Year and a time to worship the God Lono. This was not a one-day festival as our New Year is today. Makahiki went on for several months traditionally from October to February.
Halloween is a day we celebrate candy, dress up in costumes, and play tricks on our neighbors. Is Halloween just a holiday to celebrate fun, frolicking, and making Hershey incredibly wealthy?
Halloween actually has a deep dark past and a rich history that was celebrated by Celtic cultures in Great Britain and Northern Europe. It is yet another holiday appropriated from pagans in order to convert them.
Samhain was a principal holiday for the ancient Celtic people and it remains an important celebration for pagans in modern times. Samhain marks the end of the agricultural season and the beginning of a New Year.
During Samhain, we honor our ancestors, thank the livestock for all they have given us, and enjoy the fall harvest. It is a wonderful holiday to bring families closer together.
Samhain is often the most awaited holiday for witches and pagans. A sacred time for divination and the gathering of communities. During Samhain, we can communicate with the dead.
It falls at the end of October and early November, halfway between the autumn equinox and winter solstice. This traditional Celtic New Year was a time to celebrate beginnings and say a fond farewell.
Ivy is a vine that winds its way up trees, stone walls, and buildings. It is a strong plant that continues to live even after its host has died.
Ivy, also known as Gort, is the eleventh month in the Celtic Tree Calendar. It is represented by the Ogham letter G ᚌ [ɡ]
Ivy is the female counterpart to the male holly plant. Its leaves point upwards and represent moving forward with our lives.
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Disclosure: Occult properties of herbs, plants, crystals, candles etc are provided for interest and entertainment purposes only. No outcome is guaranteed. Nothing on this website should be taken as medical or legal advice. Please use herbs responsibly.